Health Education Committee
What is Health Education Committee?
The HEAC Committee at the Willow Clinic is oriented toward educating our members, patients, and the community about medications, medical conditions, and the challenges faced by our patient population. Furthermore, the committee works with lawmakers to advocate for policies that would prove beneficial to the unhoused population, while working to strike down policies that are detrimental.
This upcoming year the committee is introducing the newly created Education Nights event.
These education nights will educate our patient population on a host of topics including:
interview workshops
planning workshops
resume nights
finance workshops
legal counseling.
If you’re interested in collaborating with us or interested in attending these education nights please reach out to us!!!
Hand Washing
Managing Stress During COVID-19
Public Transit & COVID -19
Healthy Habits
Eating Healthy on a Budget
Healthier Eating Alternatives
Important Nutrients for Women
Physical Activity
Sacramento Food Resources
Asthma Management
Dental Fact vs. Myth
Substance Use
Vocational Educational Programs